New Year, New You

Happy New Year! I have always loved the New Year. It feels full of opportunities and hope for what’s possible. It’s closure on the past and another chance to reset, start over, or begin something new.

It’s a good time to reflect on what’s past. What was worth my time and what wasn’t. As the years have passed my focus has been less on what I’d like to accomplish and more on the person I’d like to be.

I once heard a life coach say she desired to BE more uplifting. She began to ask herself how an uplifting person would act in each moment, interaction, and encounter. Asking herself that one question changed how she interacted. It changed her thoughts, her words and her attitude. Others describe her as being uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging. She is known for her positive outlook. Because she made the decision to BE something.

This year as you reflect on who you’ve been, ask yourself who you desire to become? Then BE that.

If you desire to be stronger, do the things that strong people do. If you desire to be kinder, do the things kind people do. If you desire to be happier, do the things happy people do!

It sounds simple, I know. It’s not. I know that too. When people say fitness is easy for me, they don’t see me tracking meals, prepping and measuring meals, drinking and tracking water, following a workout program, getting up early, going to bed early, and saying no to activities that I know will sabotage my progress. (Beers and pizza with friends). They don’t see the days I’m tired, emotional, and do it all anyway. They don’t see the power struggle of prioritizing and protecting that time for myself. They don’t see all the hard work.

I’ve learned that to BECOME, it takes what it takes. There are no short cuts. Once you accept that, stay consistent, and do all the things, another year will have gone by and you’ll be reflecting on the journey that made you new.

Happy New Year!

– Coach Tawny

Published by tlee423

Tawny lives in Maine with her husband (Ryan, a Maine Guide, wilderness first responder, MASAR certified search and rescue team member). Together they lead adventures and provide mindset coaching for their company Maine Waypoint. Tawny has a Degree in Sports Medicine, is a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, certified Master Health Coach, certified cardiac tech, personal trainer, sports nutrition specialist, behavior change specialist, wilderness first responder and MASAR certified search and rescue team member. She writes, coaches, adventures, and loves helping others discover how healthy living, nature, and having an adventure mindset can transform your life!

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